As redes sociais Facebook, Instagram e WhatsApp não estão a funcionar desde as 16:30.
As redes sociais começaram a apresentar falhas, que se agravaram, e deixaram de funcionar em Portugal e em outros países.
Não existe nenhuma explicação para as causas dos problemas detetados, nem previsão para quando os serviços sejam restabelecidos.
We’re aware that some people are having trouble accessing our apps and products. We’re working to get things back to normal as quickly as possible, and we apologize for any inconvenience.
— Facebook (@Facebook) October 4, 2021
Instagram and friends are having a little bit of a hard time right now, and you may be having issues using them. Bear with us, we’re on it! #instagramdown
— Instagram Comms (@InstagramComms) October 4, 2021
We’re aware that some people are experiencing issues with WhatsApp at the moment. We’re working to get things back to normal and will send an update here as soon as possible.
Thanks for your patience!
— WhatsApp (@WhatsApp) October 4, 2021